Innovating Drug Candidate Listing
Drug Candidates from Direct Source
BioNeex is the first R&D open exchange platform in the biopharma industry. The platform facilitates licensing and co-development partnerships for preclinical and clinical stage drug candidates between biotech, biopharma companies and research institutions.
Additionally, BioNeex initiates investments, acquisitions, joint ventures and other types of collaborations.
In essence, BioNeex provides an online infrastructure for biopharma, biotech companies and research institutions, where they can meet and create R&D partnerships.
BioNeex Pipeline comprise preclinical and early clinical stage drug candidates listed directly from biotech, biopharma companies and research institutions, helping them to gain for their medicines in development a vital exposure to the right partners at the right time. BioNeex vision is to increase the likelihood to get these innovative drug candidates through the right partners into the clinic and, ultimately, to the patients as novel medicines.
BioNeex provides two distinct services. As a Provider, companies and research institutions can list their in development or shelved drug candidates available for licensing or co-development partnerships creating exposure on a global scale. As a Seeker, companies can search, access these drug candidates and directly contact the Providers, which may fill their R&D pipelines
BioNeex Interviews are part of the BioNeex vision. They provide a social media exposure to early stage biotech companies and their R&D pipelines in order to attract the right licensing and co-development partners. During the interview the interviewee, typically a biotech CEO, addresses the company's message to potential partners, investors and other external stakeholders.